Rina Bohland
Produktionsleitung | Stage Management + Inspizientin | Casting + Audition |
Dramaturgin | Mediencoach | Show Doctor
Rina loves to be the link between artist and technicians.
She likes to apply these skills to exciting productions in the fields of theater, touring, events, film and more.
To germ the most important thing is the result of the production on stage or on screen.
Getting there requires commitment, nerves of steel, teamspirit and cooperation. That's why Rina often puts together teams for her own and other people's productions, recommends people, networks and works as a creative agency. Aaah, hence Good Media Talents! Now we get it....
In fact, Rina is always on the road professionally for friendly companies and colleagues in the productions above. She loves working behind the scenes.
She doesn't want to be in the limelight, but rather loves to let others shine.
production manager | stage manager | casting + audition | media coach | show doctor
Rina Bohland
contact: |talent@goodmedia.solutions|
How to find us
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Impressum: Good Media Solutions GmbH
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UID: ATU 798 167 09
Office: Luftbadgasse 2-4/1, 1060 Wien, Austria
Firmenbuch: EN 611 886 h
Gerichtsstand: Vienna, Austria
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